Low Impact, Full Body Chair Exercise Routine after Weight Loss Surgery
Want to move your body and not hurt yourself after Bariatric Surgery? Are you looking for a routine that is low impact? Are you wanting to avoid injuries from working out? Do you want to get your body moving so that you can work with loose skin?
I am going to share a 12 - Step full body chair routine to get you started. Skip an exercise on a body part if you have an injury or pain. Just get started and don't worry about doing everything perfect 100%.

See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries and illnesses. You will have restrictions after surgery and should only start when you have been cleared to do so.
Equipment Needed:
A chair and resistance bands
How To:
Choose a chair that allows you to keep your knees at 90 degrees when seated.Sit up tall during each exercise and use your abs to maintain good posture. Perform each exercise for 1 set of 16 repetitions. After you're familiar with the moves and feel ready, increase to 2 or more sets.
Choose one of the below 3 chair routines that works best for you. (Please note: you will need to click back arrow to come back to this page for more)
1. 18-minute Chair Band Routine without weights.
2. 30 Min Seated Resistance Band Full Body Workout
You don't have to run a marathon to get moving. You can start slow and steady with the routines above in the comfort of your own home!